Fabricated Technobabble

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Summerslam 2006

Summerslam was a great pay-per-view this year. While there were matches that weren't anything spectacular and unfortunately one of those was the main event. Most of the card more than made up for it. Let's start from the beginning. ...

Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio
I wish I had seen more of this match. I always love to watch these two guys in the ring. Unfortunately it was the first match and people were showing up when I was watching it. What I did see of it though was classic work from these 2.

Big Show vs. Sabu
I don't know much about Sabu. To be honest I don't know much about ECW in general. I became a fan of wrestling after it's downfall. So I had no notions that this would be much of a match. And while it got outshined by some matches later on it was very entertaining. Man is Big Show looking strong though. It's good to see him doing something that seems to work for him.

Hulk Hogan vs. Randy Orton
I'm of 2 sides about Hogan. On the one hand he doesn't seem to move well in the ring anymore and it is obvious. On the other he is Hulk Hogan! The man who worked his butt off to make professional wrestling accepted in the mainstream. In the '80s, when he wasn't working, he was working. I have a ton of respect for that. Anyway, back to the match. Due to Hogan's lack of in ring ability it was a slower match but he does know how to use what he's got to keep it going. What most impressed me though was that he sold the RKO. Sure, it didn't finish him off ( Hogan won so it must not have ), but he didn't kick out of it either. That's a great nod to Randy Orton from the Legend that is Hulk Hogan. For that alone I give the match a thumbs up.

After that we had the triumvirate of thumbs way up matches. Starting with...
Ric Flair vs. Mick Foley
Any match that has either of these two in it is worth watching. Two great wrestlers who know more than tricks, who know more than gimmicks, they know how to tell a story in the ring. Even though this was an "I Quit" match, and basically a hardcore match, this match definately is definately something to study. Ric Flair screaming "I'm gonna kill you!" and Mick Foley's confidence of being the hardcore legend were worked well. As I said before, thumb way up on this one. I just wish it had gone on longer. These guys had more story to tell.

Batista vs. Booker T
It's tough following up a great match like Flair vs. Foley but Batista vs. Booker did it. From a hardcore match we went to a straight wrestling match that was not everything you'd expect. I'm glad to see Booker on top, and Batista, dang he is impressive in so many ways. To call him an animal is an understatement and not descriptive enough. You have to specify an animal of confidence, cunning and sheer dominant power. 2 amazing athletes put on one hell of a show.

D-Generation X vs. The McMahons
If you think following up 1 stellar match is tough try following up 2 matches. But I had no questions this matches would be good. Of course, I am a total Triple H mark so I am biased, but I have a ton of respect for Shawn Michael's in ring abilities as well. Once again a great story, even if it was a bit of the usual schlock. The McMahon's, trying not to have to do the tough work, send out the Spirit Squad (with my old trainer Mikey). They of course get quickly dispatched by DX. Then, Vince and Shane sends out their big guns who really do a number on HHH and HBK. And just when you think DX has a chance to fight back they bring out the REALLY big guns, namely The Big Show. Of course the best part of the story is that the biggest pop of the night went to...Kane! All he did is come out and lay into Umaga and the crowd was just on their feet. A great match.

Edge vs. John Cena
Now following up 3 amazing matches is damn near impossible and unfortunately I don't think Edge and Cena lived up to the headline status for the night. While the match wasn't terrible there was just lots of little things that didn't work for me in that match. Number one, Edge and Cena did too much stuff that you ALWAYS see. I understand having to do stuff people know but there's a difference between that and telling the same exact story that's been told a million times before. The did have a couple spots that suprised me. Don't get me wrong I have a ton of respect for Cena and Edge. They are absolutely phenomenal athletes. I just don't think the 2 of them were on top of their game last night. Plus, they had to top 3 off the charts matches.

This was a great way to come back to watching wrestling.
Reposted on Monday August 21 2006 @ 07:09PM PDT