Fabricated Technobabble

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Everything I Need To Know I Learned From Wrestling

After I had been wrestling for a while and started to talk to people who didn't know much about wrestling, I used to joke that I was going to write a book called "Everything I need to know, I learned from wrestling". Well, I may not have enough for a whole book, but I figure occasionally I'll post an article talking about something I learned in wrestling that applies outside of the ring. Today's article is a basic, and yet outside of wrestling I don't see it that often, shaking people's hands. ...

When I say shaking people's hands, I'm not talking about during job interviews and business deals. What I'm talking about can best be described how I learned it. One of my good friends from wrestling is former WCW wrestler Maestro, who now goes by the name of Stro. This guy has been around a long time and is one of the nicest people I have ever met. One of the things he makes a point to do at every show is say hello to everyone backstage before the show and shakes their hands. He also, makes a point to actually talk to you, and find out what is going on. Then, at the end of the show he makes a point to do it all again, except this time he is saying goodbye. He usually will shake a person's hand 2, 3 or more times a night.

While it may seem a little wierd, the way he does it is important. He doesn't just shake your hand and say hello or goodbye. He shakes your hand, says hello and then asks you how you are doing. To be honest, I don't think he even talks about himself until you ask him how he is doing.

Forget about yourself for a moment. Taking the time to touch someone ( in a safe manner ) and ask how they are doing is a sure way to brightening up someone's day. Even if they are telling you how miserable their day is, they finally have someone who is just listening to them. Plus, the safe-physical touch starts to set up a closer connection as well. This is good, humans need other humans.

I try to make a point of saying hello and goodbye to everyone in my small office, and usually with a handshake or a pat on the shoulder. I want everyone around me to know that they matter to me, because they do. I've started a new gym recently and I will make a point of meeting at least 1 new person a week starting this week, and the lessons I learned in the ring ( or rather backstage ) will help me with that. Pretty soon, it will be easier, and more pleasant for me to go to the gym because I will have so many friends there ( oh, did I forget to tell you to start thinking of yourself again? ).

It takes a little courage at first, but it is really quite easy to do. Make a point of giving someone a few moments of time to connect with you. It will benefit you both.
Daryl "Deacon" Ducharme never actually wrestled in school. He only does the stuff a lot of people who have never tried it call fake. 2007 marks the year Deacon is coming out of retirement. Watch this blog to find out more.