Fabricated Technobabble

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Watching Firefly

Yesterday I posted a review on the Firefly Soundtrack. At the end I recommended watching the show ( buying the DVD is my real recommendation ) if you haven't already. If you aren't willing to buy an inexpensive and incredibly popular box set off of my recommendations then here is a way you can test it out. Through amazon's video download service you can download 1 or all of the shows to your computer, TiVo or personal video player.

Here is the link to Firefly on Amazon's Unbox ...

I highly recommend watching the pilot which is called "Serenity". Many people also fell in love with the show after watching "The Train Job", which was actually the first episode Fox aired I believe. Once you fall in love with the characters you may want to watch my favorite episode, "Out of Gas". However, once you fall in love with the characters you will want to buy the complete box set.