Fabricated Technobabble

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Just before the return of Triple H, I started watching wrestling regularly again. I had actually stopped watching wrestling a little after I “retired” in August of 2005. In looking back another big event might have killed my need for multi-weekly fixes of professional wrestling – Chris Jericho's break from professional wrestling. It took a couple of weeks for me to realize what had happened, but I remember going to ChrisJericho.com and reading his reasons for taking a break from wrestling for a while. I was bummed, and so was my wife. Between Taker and Jericho, it's hard to tell who her favorite is.

Now the Undertaker has returned, and is in the title hunt against Batista. I am excited about Triple H, though I want him to be a heel again. That is what he is best as. Speaking of heals, the canadian heatseaker Chris Jericho looks to be coming back and soon! ...

A few weeks ago, just before Cena got injured, we started seeing a promo that people are calling “The Code”. When Cena did get injured and I wrote the article about that match, my research had people stipulating that “the code” was a promo for Jericho's return and he could very likely make a come back at No Mercy. The reasoning was good. Sources say he was talking to TNA about possibly working for them and stopped the talk at the same time we started seeing those promos. Alas, No Mercy came and went without any sign of the Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla.

While the King of the World did not grace us with his presence for that event, the promos kept playing week after week. Recently, after having decided to slow the promo down and see what else I could read besides SAVIOUR_SELF and SAVE_US.222 (now SAVE_US.229 ), I decided to use the power of the internet to see what other people think of this mystery.

My first stop was over at ChrisJericho.com, where I noticed that his book is about to come out soon. That's cool, that will be on a couple of Christmas lists in this house. While scanning the dates I noticed he was going to be in Fort Bragg, NC on the 28th of this month. That was exciting, until I realized I would be traveling this weekend and would not be able to go see him. So I made my way to the chrisjericho.com message board. Well, the fans there were excited and had many theories that seemed to align. All the sign point to a comeback on the 29th of this month. The thought is that he was going to comeback on the 22nd then that changed to the 29th and that is why the message in the video changed from SAVE_US.222 to become SAVE_US.229. In fact, his book tour just added 2 dates whose cities coincide with the tapings of Raw and Smackdown. The 29th in Philadelphia, PA and the 30th in Long Island, NY ( Smackdown is taped on Tuesdays ).

So I am excited. The fact that another one of my favorite wrestlers will be coming back in just one week makes me even happier I am watching wrestling again. There is some thought that he might be at the pay-per-view on Sunday but he may not be there while they are broadcasting. Anyway, I thought I would leave you with a few good bits of info and links for some other people's theories on the return of Y2J starting with a great slow-mo, code breakdown video.

Chris Jericho Speaks On WWE, TNA, Benoit, More

Remember me saying that the Raw after Cyber Sunday is in Philly, which will be on 10/29/07, is the same location of WM99?

Well, Chris Jericho's last PPV was on 8/21/05.

From and including: Sunday, August 21, 2005
To and including: Monday, October 29, 2007
Or 2 years, 2 months, 9 days

Finally, something I haven't read anywher because it doesn't point directly at Chris, but definately a return, is a part of the video that clearly says REV 2:25 which made me think to look in the bible under revelations.

Originally posted by Revelations 2:25:

But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.

Basically saying, don't worry about what you have now I'm on my way. Of course I think it points to Jericho because Jericho is a biblical name and I believe it is mentioned in Revelations. Have fun because when he comes back we will never...ever...be the same...again!