Fabricated Technobabble

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The Case for Being Conscious

I have a great respect for all types of entertainers. It takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there in front of a group of people and entertain. However it also gives you access to your audiences attention. The two groups of entertainers that seem to take advantage of this the best are comedians and magicians. Both comedian's and magician's often say quite a bit without saying anything. They speak by making you think about their act rather than coming out and telling you what to think. The best of these two groups know this and use it to their advantage. ...

Magician's understand human psychology, or at least a subset of it, quite well. Very rarely do they share this knowledge, lest you think too much about the act and thus diminish the entertainment factor of the show( this is how wrestling works too by the way ). A duo that takes a slightly different path, Penn & Teller, often show you just enough to make you think you know what is going on - then they amaze you. It is that very premise that spawned a show I have only seen clips of, called Bullshit!

Below is a perfect example of why it is important to be conscious when people are talking about anything, but especially political matters.

While some conservatives may laugh and think this pertains to only liberals, think again. The point this piece is making is about how important we feel it is to be a part of something and how others can easily use that against us. We all get fed lines, and we all want to be a part of these groups that stand for something. We still need to ask ourselves the important questions.

What do I stand for? What does this group stand for? Are their actions consistent with their words? Who am I listening to? Why?

Those questions are a good place to start for us all. While we shouldn't all stand for the same things, asking the same questions of our own beliefs is probably a descent compromise. Remember, the beauty of democracy is that we don't all believe the same things.