Fabricated Technobabble

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AIR for Linux in the works

For those who do not know AIR stands for Adobe Integrated Runtime. It is Adobe's way of taking your Flex, Flash, Javascript and HTML knowledge and allowing you to create desktop applications. It is very cool technology that should have version 1.0 coming out soon. Always touted as cross platform, AIR has really only worked on 2 operating systems Windows and Mac. However I just read a post on the Adobe Blogs that says they are looking for pre-beta release testers for AIR on Linux. ...

AIR on Linux will allow Adobe's technology to spread more in the open source community, which has often belittled Adobe for its proprietary ways. As Adobe opens up more and more, mainstream users of Adobe products might see the possibilities available to them in Open Source software. Since Apps that are built on the AIR platform could be run on Windows, Mac and Linux - these apps could help people make the transition. So if you are interested in helping to get Penguins into the AIR then visit James Ward's RIA Cowboy blog to found out what you need to do.