Fabricated Technobabble

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Help Me Win Dinner with Ralph Nader


I've entered a contest.

It's sponsored by Nader/Gonzalez.

And first prize is a dinner with Ralph Nader.

There are a bunch of other prizes.

Like -- an autographed copy of Ralph's classic -- Unsafe at Any Speed.

But I want to win the dinner with Ralph.

The contest works this way:

The person who brings in the most e-mail sign-ups to Ralph's web site wins the dinner with Ralph.

Nader/Gonzalez will set up a leaderboard to keep track of how I'm doing.

But, I need you to sign up.

And for you to be included on the list of people who I got to sign up, you have to do it in a certain way.

By signing up, you will get a daily message from Nader/Gonzalez -- they are always politically interesting -- and sometimes funny. And you can unsubscribe at any time.

But for me to win a dinner with Ralph, you have to sign up.

So, please, do it for me.

I want dinner with Ralph!

Help me out.

To sign up and help me win I'll need to send you an email through their website. To make sure your email address is safe, please don't post it in the comments but use the my.opera message system. If you do post it in the comments, I will do my best to sanitize your email out of it once I have sent the request. The contest ends August 7th.