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The Blue Man - Awakening my Sacred Masculine

The eight metaphor in The Hidden Spirituality of Men - Ten Metaphors to Awaken the Sacred Masculine is The Blue Man. The words alone might make you think of the Blue Man Group. Other than Intel commercials I don't really know much about them, but maybe there is something to their bright blue  faces. The first time I read this chapter I noticed how the metaphor itself comes from meditation induced visions of a blue man that represented strong spiritual imagery. Inspired I did a limited, but purposeful, meditation on the Blue Man as I drifted off to dream land. It was then that I had a powerful dream which I covered in an earlier blog post. I was looking forward to rereading this chapter and seeing if, once again, I would have a dream of significance.

What is the Blue Man?

The Blue Man, as I said before comes from two different stories. One of Swami Muktananda and the other of Hildegard of Bingen. Both tell of being in some meditative or prayer state and seeing a vision of a man in blue or a man bathed in sapphire light. To them the man represented God and all things it was pure love and compassion. Not only was it God in all things but it was God in them while at the same time being themselves in God.

When I originally read this metaphor and pondered what it was saying, my Western mind that has been surrounded by Christianity went to the concept of Jesus as Christ. As a devout agnostic who has often bordered on atheistic beliefs I made a jump that many Christians might find uncomfortable. Could it be that Jesus, instead of being the son of God and God itself was really just a normal person who took on embodying the blue man. From that thought I jumped to prophets from other religions as well, they all could be blue men and the rest of us are so deaf to our own divinity they look like Gods to us. When I reread the chapter I saw that the author said as much in his own writing .

Expanding our Consciousness

If the Blue Man is God in all things, God inside of us and in turn ourselves in God, every thing in God then a whole new world opens up to us. We can look at all the crisis in the world without being overwhelmed. We can instead look and see opportunities to make a difference in the world and for others. What may start as anger can be honed by our compassion and turned into positive action. [ad#Books Banner]

The Blue Man and The Spiritual Warrior

In my post about The Spiritual Warrior I brought up the topic of a great work several times. What I never really touched on, probably because I needed to reread this chapter to understand, is where does the warrior come up with his great work? The Blue Man is the answer. The Blue Man is a creative energy that can take a man's anger and mix it with compassion to come up with a path for the warrior to walk. In the book, the author used the examples of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. to show how they took their anger, wrapped it in compassion and made social art.

The Blue Man as an artist

The Blue Man is an artist. In the examples of Gandhi and King he is an artist that creates divine works which positively impact society. All art can do that, and for some who think they are not artists the first step is finding their artistic voice. Through the practice of speaking through art a man can find and strengthen his voice. As he gets stronger that voice can make a difference in somebody's life. Perhaps this is where the Blue Man Group got the inspiration for the name of their troop. A voice without words, only art.

Just Add Compassion

I can't stress enough the value of compassion in my own spiritual journey through this book thus far. It has improved the quality of my personal relationships - with my wife, my two boys, my family, my friends and my coworkers. When I have seen a problem, usually in my own communication with others, I've been reminded to add compassion and things have become easy. Compassion has me give up my need to be right or sometimes, when I have a little compassion for myself, it has me be more joyful.

The Blue Man is all about compassion. It is almost as if he is there asking, "How can you be more compassionate?" Christian's might ask, "What would Jesus Do?" After all, Jesus was a Blue Man or at least I think so. Making a difference with compassion has you let go of being right and making others wrong so that you can actually connect with people and not only make a difference but and impact. Perhaps the people you touch will take some of that compassion with them.


So far, I haven't had another significant dream or vision as I've reread this chapter. However, I have only re-finished it tonight so if an epiphany comes I will be sure to share it with you in the morning. But I would like to hear about you. Have you had any visions that you might relate to The Blue Man? If so, what was it like? Was the color blue prominent and/or powerful in the vision? I would love to hear about other's visions as they seek out The Blue Man. After all, it is the end of a decade and the beginning of a new one - what a great time to have a vision to live into. [ad#Google Adsense] If you liked this post please subscribe to myRSS Feed and/or follow me on Twitter. If you only want to read my Wednesday Warrior posts subscribe to the Wednesday Warrior feed. Until next time, thanks for reading.