Fabricated Technobabble

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Essential Magic Conference 2010 and 2011?

Friday I came home from work and my wife said, "You got something in the mail from Portugal!?" I had been watching the EMC newsletter and the EMC facebook page and I knew the long awaited DVDs were coming soon. I was very excited to finally get my DVDs! EMC 2010 DVDs

The 2010 Essential Magic Conference was awesome and well worth the money without watching all the sessions. The funny thing is through video streaming and now the DVDs I can watch all the sessions over and over again. I think you can still register and get the streaming videos ( and possibly the DVDs ), however you will definitely want to sign up for the 2011 conference as soon as they announce it. From the end of the following video it sounds like they are going to have one for sure.

I know my JAMM posts usually showcase a magician performing magic in some way and this post is targeted toward magicians. So if you are a magician I hope you check this out. If the JAMM posts have inspired you to look into performing magic this is great for you as well. I only consider myself a beginner/novice magician and I got a lot out of these sessions.

Did you already know about the Essential Magic Conference? Did you watch it? If you did what did you think of it? If not, why not!? I'd love to hear your opinions.
