Recent Readings 10th of November, 2023 (#2)
In this, my second _Recent Readings_, post I got a bit overwhelmed with articles as I streamlined how I was taking articles in. This meant, I had to get even more organized and thankfully some of my articles were about learning and Personal Knowledge Management (PKM). Long story short, I've now got a backlog of articles on various topic. I'm ready for my brain to overheat from learning so much, rather than just ADHD related causes ;)
In this, my second Recent Readings, post I got a bit overwhelmed with articles as I streamlined how I was taking articles in. This meant, I had to get even more organized and thankfully some of my articles were about learning and Personal Knowledge Management (PKM). Long story short, I've now got a backlog of articles on various topic. I'm ready for my brain to overheat from learning so much, rather than just ADHD related causes ;)
Tech Related
- The clouds can't afford to forget developers - Much of the focus on marketing cloud tech is done toward enterprises and their executives. This is for a good reason, that's where the money and decision makers are. With the rush to incorporate AI, even more so. At the end of the day, it is the developers who have to make all of this work and they will be the ones deciding which platform they use when designing systems.
- Virtual meetings tire people because we're doing them wrong, says new research - Virtual meetings tire people out, this isn't new information. As someone who does virtual meetings everyday because I'm not in the same city as the rest of my team, I know virtual meetings can be just as engaging as in person. Take a look at some actual studies to show when people were more or less engaged and maybe you can improve your time in virtual meetings.
- Where are all the laid-off software developers going? - 2023 has been a tough year for tech when it comes to layoffs. However, this doesn't mean developers have nowhere to go. So, whether you are developer or a non-tech business executive, take a look at the new opportunities that may not have been on your radar.
- Why I think GCP is better than AWS - As a Developer Advocate for Google Cloud and someone who worked (not in cloud) at Amazon for 6 years, I definitely have my own opinions and biases. Those thoughts aside, here is someone who has developed on both platforms and breaks down the pros and cons of each. This reminds of a Macho Man flavored skit I have always wanted to do in a video about different cloud platforms.
Non-Tech Related
- Why Quantity Matters So Much More Than Quality - We live in a world where Failure Is Not An Option but really that type of thinking often keeps us from improving. In truth Failure is the BEST optionif we want to learn and grow. Also something my ADHD brain needs to remember when perfection paralysis rears its ugly head.
- New Insights Into Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria - When it comes to ADHD and its effect on people, RSD seems to be the most universal experience. But what is it and how can we approach it to improve our quality of life.
- How to Live a Happy Life, From a Leading Atheist - When metaphor and parable aren't enough of an explanation, where do you find meaning? More important, where do you find happiness? Well, the human experience allows for great wonder and perhaps there will still be metaphors of your own, just don't get mired in them.
- How to Escape the PKM Trap of Sophisticated Procrastination - This has been my past week. How do I organize all my new articles, quotes and other bits of knowledge and not get bogged down by trying to make it perfectly organized. Well, I can remember the other article, and I can read this as well.
- How to Make Yourself Into a Learning Machine - I've been interested in PKM and how I can use it to help myself learn for a while now. Bullet Journals and Second Brains have helped but I'm still looking for my personal path. One's personal path to anything can come from the experience of others, and this description of Simon Eskildsen's methods along with his story have some great things to try.
Until next time fellow internet traveler, stay curious.
Cybersecurity and customer success - This Week In Cloud
On this week's episode of of This Week in Cloud, I point you to blog stories about Cybersecurity, customer success stories, and Document AI 1-Click model training.
Daryl hosts TWIC for 11/7/22
On this week's episode of of This Week in Cloud, I point you to blog stories about Cybersecurity, customer success stories, and Document AI 1-Click model training.
All this while wearing my favorite color, purple. I think that's why I was smiling so much in the thumbnail for the video ;)
The Cardist and the Cloud
In my last post I mentioned that I was going to be recording another video last week. Well, it got uploaded today so here it is.
In the video I discuss...
- The Multicloud Mindset series on Twitter Spaces
- Cloud training specifically for Ukrainians
- Org Policy Service
For the shoot I wore my card connoisseur shirt that really stole the show. Also, I need to get a haircut so I don't have to pull my hair back like that.
In my last post I mentioned that I was going to be recording another video last week. Well, it got uploaded today so here it is.
In the video I discuss...
- The Multicloud Mindset series on Twitter Spaces
- Cloud training specifically for Ukrainians
- Org Policy Service
For the shoot I wore my card connoisseur shirt that really stole the show. Also, I need to get a haircut so I don't have to pull my hair back like that.
Daryl hosts This Week In Cloud October 3, 2022
When I gave 20% and did my first TWIC
Before I joined the DMN/S team full time, I worked with them as a 20% project. 20% projects are when you get to put 20% of your time into some other project, that may have nothing to do with the team you are working with. It wasn't writing code, per se, but it was talking tech - or being a developer advocate, something I have been trying to do before I even joined google.
In a recent post, I mentioned that I started to work for a new team at Google. That team is the Developer Media Network/Studios (DMN/S) team. It is tasked with creating engaging, digital content at scale.
Before I joined the team full time, I worked with them (then named the Online Content & Experiments, or OC&E, team) as a 20% project. 20% projects are when you get to put 20% of your time into some other project, that may have nothing to do with the team you are working on. It wasn't writing code, per se, but it was talking tech - or being a developer advocate, something I have been trying to do before I even joined google.
The June 20th, 2022 episode of This Week In Cloud (TWIC) was the first piece of work I got to help with by being that week's host. TWIC is a show where we, "serve you the lowest latency news." Or, rather we tell you the news of Goggle Cloud over the past few weeks.
In that episode, I discussed:
- Calculating trillions of digits of pi
- Web-GL Maps
- Machine Learning acceleration
Have a watch and let me know what you think of my first go and maybe my swank Google accessibility shirt.
Daryl hosting This Week In Cloud, June 20, 2022.
I'll be recording another episode of TWIC this week so keep an eye out on my twitter and other socials for it in a week or so (video productions takes time).
Google Cloud Armor, New Red Pin on Maps, & more!
I've been putting in 20% of my time at work with a team that creates content to teach and discuss [Google Cloud Tech]( For that reason you can hear me on previous episodes of the [Google Cloud Reader podcast]( and see me in an earlier episode of [This Week in Cloud]( However, last week I've changed teams and am now on the Developer Media Network team 100%. This is my first video since I started.
Here to bring you the latest news in the Cloud is Daryl Ducharme.
• Greener with Cloud →
• Google Cloud Armor →
• New Red Pin on Maps →
This Week in Cloud is a series where we serve you the lowest latency news →
Remember to subscribe for weekly updates →
I've been putting in 20% of my time at work with a team that creates content to teach and discuss Google Cloud Tech. For that reason you can hear me on previous episodes of the Google Cloud Reader podcast and see me in an earlier episode of This Week in Cloud. However, last week I've changed teams and am now on the Developer Media Network team 100%. This is my first video since I started. I figure that I out to start posting them here.