Fooler Dooler Daryl - Just Another Magic Monday
Daryl is a magician who shares my name and completely exceeds my magical talent. Keep reading to find out more and watch him in action doing his famous Ambitious Card routine.
It's about time I finally did a JAMM post on the man that makes me cringe every time my magic club introduces me as Daryl. I don't cringe because he is bad. Daryl is one of the best closeup magicians performing ( and teaching ) today. I cringe because I don't want anybody expecting his level of experience and showmanship from a mere novice.
Daryl is called the Magician's Magician and lives up to that moniker. Just the other day the magic newsletter had a list of the top 10 close-up magicians. Daryl came in at number 4.
Of course, when I started magic I had to take a look at some of Daryl's work. I love his sense of humor. It reminds me a lot of wrestlers who are great on mic. Often they will speak to the smarks ( smart marks ) who know something about wrestling but probably don't know as much as they think they do. Daryl follows in this tradition and speaks to the people who might know some possible ways who is performing his tricks. In this way he keeps people who know magic and people who've never seen magic engaged.
If you read his wikipedia entry you'll learn that he is famous for his Ambitious Card Routine. I found his routine on youTube and thought it would be a great way to show off his abilitites. The finale to this routine is tremendous. [ad#Ellusionist] [youtube=]
All in all, Daryl makes me glad I have a nickname to use in magic. He has the Daryl market locked up pretty well :)
Do have a magician you think I should look at for one of my JAMM posts? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
For more information visit his website