Magic Monday - Phone Cam Magic
One of the people who was parto of EMC in 2010 and again in 2011, probably because he is one of the people behind it, is Marco Tempest. The thing I liked in 2010 and 2011 from Marco is his use of technology. He is updating old tricks with the new technology and new media. He is creating all sorts of magic that may not have ever been seen before.
Recently, I finally broke out my EMC2011 DVD as I begin my resolution in 2012 to get back into magic. Because I was less involved in magic last year I didn't watch much of the conference live or even semi live. So far I've watched the first two discs and I've seen and heard some very inspiring stuff. From Rudy Coby's talk How To Be The Coolest Magician On Earth to Jonathan Bayme's Magic 2.0, I have been inspired by what is possible if you just keep moving forward with you goal in mind.
One of the people who was parto of EMC in 2010 and again in 2011, probably because he is one of the people behind it, is Marco Tempest. The thing I liked in 2010 and 2011 from Marco is his use of technology. He is updating old tricks with the new technology and new media. He is creating all sorts of magic that may not have ever been seen before.
One of the things that he experiemented with was youtube and the perspective of a phone camera. These are great bits that take a little bit of the old and rejuvenate it with the new. Take it away Marco... [youtube] That was a fun little video (pun completely intended) to start off the series. In his eighth video entitled "Proximity", he shows us a little more of the magic behind the perspective of a phone cam. What I like about this video is that it almost feels like he is throwing away some of the magic that he is showing. [youtube]
As always, I'd love to hear what you think of these bits of magic. Did you like them? Did they wow you? Did they inspire you? Let me know in the comments. With my forthcoming experiment of JAMM Live, I'm wondering how much actual magic performance I should put into it.